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Check to see if you have the latest version of a pack installed.

Update Checker

What does the update checker do? The update checker will check to see if the current mod you have installed is up to date or is out of date using the JSON file provided in the URL. If you have any questions join my discord server Official Legopitstop Discord and chat via the #🟢│update-checker channel.

Example Pages

Supported Packs

Most of Legopitstop’s packs use this Update Checker

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Inside JSON

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homepage: String - The url to bring the use when the version is outdated.
promos: Object
    <mcversion>: <modversion> - mcversion must end in `-recommended` ex: "1.13-recommended":"1.3.5-pre1"
<mcversion>: Object
    <modversion>: String - The changelog for the modversion. Supports markdown!

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below you can find the example JSON file. View the Live example

    "__comment": "This is a premium URL, premium features will be optionally loaded.",
    "$schema": "", // Use the JSON Schema

    "homepage": "", // The homepage if the pack is out of date.
    "premium:description": { // Since this is a premium URL we can use premium features. Premium features will usually have the namespace "premium". Premium features are always optional.
        "title": "Example",
        "favicon": "deepslate_tiles",
        "theme": "deepslate_tiles"
    "1.17": { // All changelogs for mc version 1.17
        "1.7.0": "This is the changelog that is from the JSON! * It provides some custom in-line formatting! \nLike the following: * bullets that use '*', '-', and '-' * replacement texts for example '' will return the homepage inside the JSON!",
        "1.6.0": "* 1.17.1-1.6.0"
    "1.16": { // All changelogs for mc version 1.16
        "1.5.0": "* 1.16.5-1.5.0",
        "1.4.0": "* 1.16.5-1.4.0"
    "promos": {
        "1.17-recommended": "1.7.0", // The recomended mod version for mc 1.17
        "1.17-latest": "1.7.0", // Note that right now (v1.0.0) of Update Checker does not use '-latest' but may be used in the future, for now just use '-recomended'
        "1.16-recommended": "1.5.0",
        "1.16-latest": "1.5.0"

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Premium Members

Additional Syntax

premium_badge: Boolean (true)
    theme: Enum #Preset-Backgrounds
    theme: Object
        type: Enum [url, preset, base64, animated] The type to use for the background. when `animated` use `animation` instead of `value`
        value: String
            type: Enum [scroll] The type of animation to use. Only excepts `scroll`
            speed: Integer (40) The speed of the scrolling. In seconds
            direction: Enum [^,v,<,>,up,down,left,right,up-left,up-right,down-left,down-right]
            repeat: Boolean (true) When true it will repeat the texture to fill the page.
            resize: Boolean (true) When true it will resize the image to 256px squared.
    favicon: Enum #Preset-Backgrounds
    favicon: Object
        type: Enum [url, preset, base64]
        value: String

premium:style: Object
    color: String (#ffffff) - Any CSS3 color
    background_color: String (#000000) - Any CSS3 color
    border_color: String (#000000) - Any CSS3 color
    border_radius: Integer (20) - The radius of the border.
        color: String (#ffffff) - Any CSS3 color
        background_color: String (#777777) - Any CSS3 color
        border_radius: Integer (10) - The radius of the border.
            color: String (#ffffff) - Any CSS3 color
            background_color: String (#555555) - Any CSS3 color
            border_radius: Integer (10) - The radius of the border.

    scrollbar: Object
            background_color: String (#777777) - Any CSS3 color
            border_radius: Integer (10) - The radius of the border.
                background_color: String (#555555) - Any CSS3 color
                border_radius: Integer (10) - The radius of the border.
            background_color: String (#777777) - Any CSS3 color
            border_radius: Integer (10) - The radius of the border.
                background_color: String (#555555) - Any CSS3 color
                border_radius: Integer (10) - The radius of the border.

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Background Options

Name is the name of the background that is used in the dropdown theme. ID is the name of the background in the URL, or preset JSON theme.

Name ID
Deepslate deepslate (default)
Polished Deepslate polished_deepslate
Deepslate Tiles deepslate_tiles
Dirt dirt
Stone stone
Smooth Stone smooth_stone
Granite granite
Polished Granite polished_granite
Diorite diorite
Polished Diorite polished_diorite
Andesite andesite
Polished Andesite polished_andesite
Cobblestone cobblestone
Tuff tuff
Calcite calcite
Snow snow
Prismarine prismarine
Prismarine Bricks prismarine_bricks
Dark Prismarine dark_prismarine
Tube Coral Block tube_coral_block
Brain Coral Block brain_coral_block
Bubble Coral Block bubble_coral_block
Fire Coral Block fire_coral_block
Horn Coral Block horn_coral_block
Netherrack netherrack
Basalt basalt
Smooth Basalt smooth_basalt
Polished Basalt polished_basalt
Blackstone blackstone
Polished Blackstone polished_blackstone
Lava lava
End Stone end_stone
Bedrock bedrock
Oak Planks oak_planks
Spruce Planks spruce_planks
Birch Planks birch_planks
Jungle Planks jungle_planks
Acacia Planks acacia_planks
Dark Oak Planks dark_oak_planks
Crimson Planks crimson_planks
Warped Planks warped_planks
Coral Block coal_block
Iron Block iron_block
Copper Block copper_block
Exposed Copper exposed_copper
Weathered Copper weathered_copper
Oxidized Copper oxidized_copper
Redstone Block redstone_block
Lapis Block lapis_block
Gold Block gold_block
Diamond Block diamond_block
Emerald Block emerald_block
Amethyst Block amethyst_block
Quartz Block quartz_block
Netherite Block netherite_block
Ancient Debris ancient_debris
Slime Block slime_block
Honey Block honey_block
Honeycomb Block honeycomb_block
White Concrete white_concrete
Orange Concrete orange_concrete
Magenta Concrete magenta_concrete
Light Blue Concrete light_blue_concrete
Yellow Concrete yellow_concrete
Lime Concrete lime_concrete
Pink Concrete pink_concrete
Gray Concrete gray_concrete
Light Gray Concrete light_gray_concrete
Cyan Concrete cyan_concrete
Purple Concrete purple_concrete
Blue Concrete blue_concrete
Brown Concrete brown_concrete
Green Concrete green_concrete
Red Concrete red_concrete
Black Concrete black_concrete
Missing missing
None none

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Changelog Format

Changelogs inside the JSON support Markdown. Powdered by markedjs/marked. Since JSON’S don’t support line breaks you can instead add \n to define a line break or to enter down a line. This will come in handy because markdown needs it for formatting.

Update Checker Markdown Support

Element Support Notes
Headings Yes  
Paragraphs Yes  
Line breaks Yes  
Bold Yes  
Italic Yes  
Blockquotes Yes You can use »> to create a multi-line blockquote. All text from the »> to the end of the message will be included in the quote.
Ordered Lists Yes  
Unordered Lists Yes  
Code Yes  
Horizonal Rules Yes  
Links Yes  
Images Yes  
Tables Yes  
Fenced Codeblocks Yes  
Syntax Highlighting No  
Footnotes No  
Heading ID’s No  
Definition Lists No  
Strikethrough Yes Two tildes (~~word~~) only.
Task Lists Yes  
Emoji (copy and paste) Yes  
Emoji (shortcpdes) No  
Automatic URL Linking Yes  
Disabling URL Linking No Becomes inline code
HTML Yes  

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